Happy New Year! This January marks our 1 year anniversary of collaboration with local Sound Healer, Danielle Elese. We began holding these intimate New & Full Moon offerings outdoors on The Rooftop at The Cabrillo Pavilion, and due to its popularity, we expanded into The Carousel House, adding Vinyasa Flow with our signature headphones, prior to each Full Moon Sound Bath & Meditation experience. We are grateful to be able to accommodate over 60 people in this iconic and sheltered space, providing a once-per-month opportunity for folks to practice slowing down and consciously connecting to their body, breath, mind, & spirit through the ancient practice of Sound Healing.

In honor of this milestone, we wanted to introduce our community to Danielle by way of an interview. We invite you to read on and learn about her personal journey into Sound Healing & her special connection to Santa Barbara.  

Shannon: “Hi Danielle! I’m excited to formally introduce you to our SB Beach Yoga community. Thank you for taking time to chat with me. Let’s begin by learning about where you were raised?” 

Danielle: “Thank you so much for inviting me to share about myself and my journey. I was born here on the Riviera of Santa Barbara. Later in elementary school, we relocated to Colorado in a place called Manitou Springs at the foot of Tava-kaavi Peak. I feel blessed to have been raised between these two incredible lands. I moved back to Santa Barbara 8 years ago as a temporary stop on my journey. I meant to be here for only a few months, but what can I say, there’s no place like home! The Pacific Ocean cradles me, as the mountains ground me. It’s an incredibly healing land of the Chumash people.

Shannon: “Awe, what a special and sacred connection indeed. Can you share what inspired your decision to become a Sound Healer?”

Danielle: “Being a Sound Healer is something I’ve intrinsically embodied since I was young. Existing in spaces of sound, whether in a creative or sacred way, I began classical training as a vocalist at a young age, as voice was my greatest passion. Along this path, I’ve held ceremonial spaces for sound, from being a worship pastor to psychedelic journeys. 4 years ago, I studied under my mentor for sound healing, and since then have been accredited as a Sound Healing Therapist, Reiki Master, & Spiritual Hypnotherapist. I have found refuge in the spaces that merge sound with connection to the divine. My soul knows I’ve been doing this work for lifetimes, it is my greatest Dharma! 

Fun Fact: I have Chromesthesia, which is a sound to color synesthesia. Due to the blending of my senses, when I hear sounds, simultaneously, I see color in my mind's eye. It wasn’t until 4 years ago that I learned that Chromesthesia is relatively rare.”

Shannon: “That’s very interesting. Such a gift! Can you share a bit about the history & roots of Sound Healing & how it affects the body & brain?”

Danielle: “Sound healing, alternatively known as Sound Therapy or Vibrational Medicine, is the practice of using sound and frequency for relaxation, healing, and personal development.  We use vibration to treat that which is out of alignment in our beings. Whether you are experiencing a physical, mental, or spiritual misalignment, sound is typically able to heal and restore. This theory is supported by modern physics as we see that everything is in a state of vibration, essentially everything is sound. Dr Jonathan Goldman states, ‘From the electrons moving around the nucleus of an atom to the planets in distant galaxies revolving around the stars, everything is in a state of vibration— and therefore, conceptually at least, everything is creating a sound. Whether or not we can hear the sound is another story.’ Thus, we treat a vibrational ailment with vibration- aka SOUND! 

When we experience a sound bath, our brainwaves become attuned to the Theta brainwave state which reflects the state between wakefulness and sleep, bringing us in touch with the subconscious mind. This brainwave pattern is rich in preadolescent children, which results in them demonstrating: greater innovation & creativity, along with freedom to explore varying thoughts & perceptions — known as flow state/zone. Yet, as we move into our adult years, we cease to observe this brainwave pattern as strongly. In the flow state/zone, we are able to activate the subconscious mind which makes up about 95% of the brain’s activity, allowing us to release invasive belief systems and cultivate a healthy relationship with the subconscious mind, which truly dictates our reality. 

Here’s a list of benefits associated with the Theta Brain wave state:

  • Increases innovation

  • Increases awareness

  • Improves problem solving skills

  • Hones intuition skills

  • Balances emotions

  • Lowers heart rate

  • Deepens connection & awareness to the subconscious mind

  • Increases spiritual connection

  • Programs the unconscious mind

  • Releases prejudices- unbiased and uncritical learning

  • Eliminates the root cause of the imbalance (when the receiver is truly ready to release)

  • Restores homeostasis

  • Boosts immune system

  • Reduces stress

  • Reduces inflammation 

  • Harmonizes the brain’s hemispheres”

Shannon: “Wow, Danielle. Thank you for this explanation and including these benefits. I’ve learned quite a lot here. So, as we approach 1 year of collaboration, can you share your favorite moment or experience with us?”

Danielle: “Working with Emma and everyone at SB Beach Yoga has been so joyful & full of ease! I love being a part of this vision that Emma approached me with last year. Creating this experience together has been so enlivening. And, as a Santa Barbara local, I have fond memories of visiting the carousel house as a little girl, after fun filled days spent at the beach. To return to this space, in this way- active in my purpose, in this iconic building, is rewarding on a level I cannot quite encompass with words. It has brought so much joy into my life.

Shannon: “Wow, beautiful. And, I wonder, how do you envision your personal sound healing & wellness practice to evolve?”

Danielle: “At the moment, my vision is to share my voice in a greater way, alongside sharing this practice in creative & connecting ways in the collective. I hope to travel and learn from other cultures' practices with sound as well! I’d like to be more fluid with my vision for the future, allowing the mystery and blessings to unfold and surprise me, that’s where the magic is…

Shannon: “We can’t wait to watch you flourish! Thank you so much for sharing. Let’s close with a fun question: If you could embody any planet, which one would it be and why?”

Danielle: “Oh, I love this! Great question! Jupiter! Jupiter 10,000% here’s why: In astrology this planet represents luck, expansion, generosity & abundance. It is a planet of learning– expansion of the mind or abstract thought. Known as the Greater Benefic, Jupiter encourages expansion of the spirit. Thank you so much for inviting me to share. I’m looking forward to another trip around the sun collaborating with Santa Barbara Beach Yoga!”

If you have yet to join our Full Moon Yoga & Sound Bath experience, there will be plenty of opportunities throughout the year. We look forward to practicing with you soon.

In gratitude,

Shannon Stone, Yoga Instructor & Asst Manager 

Emma Davis